Friday 28 August 2020

What I learnt this week

 At the start of the week in MLH I started to do  Maths Whizz. Math Whizz helps you improve in maths mostly what you are not that good at right now. In Math Whizz you can also get a house and buy furniture and you can get pets I have a robo dog hes name fluffy. He eats a lot you have to feed him at least every 2nd day. I have a floating chair too and I have robot vacuum cleaner too.

This is Maths Whizz

I do Steps with Fly if you don't know what Steps is it is a app what helps with your spelling. I used to be not that good at spelling but now I'm really good because of steps and Fly's help at school time. I do at least half an hour of steps at school but I don't do steps on Friday only if I have to do more Steps because I have not done lots of Steps. There are levels on Steps and the higher the level the harder spelling words you get.


This is Steps

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