Friday, 6 August 2021

MMM- Murder Mystery Math

 Yesterday we had MMM. This was the second to last clue but were going to find out who the killer was. We also need to find the diamonds as well. Simon robinson sex Male pet praying mantis. Saskai Walker sex Female pet goldfish. The clue was tdlhulecbmaoutyresddseasrtheaornoeal you might think what is that well we had to put that hole thing into a square. 

It only took me one try to get the right square, because Momo told my Rori and then he told me. Here's a picture of my work it might help you out even more. 

So remember all those words well I had to insert them all into one of those boxes and you start on the left and go till the end. So I remembered three of the words and went down the repeated.

AT the end it spelled the murder goes to an all boys school.


  1. Hi Cash, I like how you made the title very clear, and how you showed a picture of your work to try and tell us how it worked.

  2. Hi Cash, I really like the fact that in your post you have a big photo and lots of writing. You have good punctuation and spelling and
    I can't find anything wrong with it. Keep writing like this, you will only have good blogs.

    Sincerely yours,



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