Friday, 28 August 2020

What I learnt this week

 At the start of the week in MLH I started to do  Maths Whizz. Math Whizz helps you improve in maths mostly what you are not that good at right now. In Math Whizz you can also get a house and buy furniture and you can get pets I have a robo dog hes name fluffy. He eats a lot you have to feed him at least every 2nd day. I have a floating chair too and I have robot vacuum cleaner too.

This is Maths Whizz

I do Steps with Fly if you don't know what Steps is it is a app what helps with your spelling. I used to be not that good at spelling but now I'm really good because of steps and Fly's help at school time. I do at least half an hour of steps at school but I don't do steps on Friday only if I have to do more Steps because I have not done lots of Steps. There are levels on Steps and the higher the level the harder spelling words you get.


This is Steps

Friday, 21 August 2020

What learnt this week in Room 2

 When I got to school on Monday I  started doing Maths Whizz. If you don't know what Maths Whizz it is a maths game that helps your maths. Mostly it is helping you in what you are struggling in maths. I get mostly (the time) maths questions. I was bad at the time because it was not digital but i'm really good now.                   (On the side is Math Whizz.)

Then after lunch we did  LTP. I went to Makey Makey in Room 2. Makey makey is mostly has electronic. There were these bees bots that you  make a track for and then you set the directions and make it the checkpoint. There was also this Makey makey pack it had lots of stuff I don't know the name of. So in the Makey makey box there were these wires and you had to connect them to your chromebook. Then you can get some tin foil and play the piano on your with tin foil on your chromebook.

I do Steps not many people do steps in MLH. Steps helps you with your spelling. Some times when you are finished you can play games, if Fly lets you. I do steps instead of word work. I like doing steps with Fly. She helps me with my priorities as well.


Friday, 7 August 2020

What I learnt this week

Hi I am going to share with you about what I learnt this week in MLH. In my maths group this week we were learning how to use two zeros and we had to using algorithm and we had to do renaming too. It was hard at the start but I got the hang of it.

In MLH we have do this new maths game and it is called Maths Whizz. When you finished all the questions you get 2000 credits and you can make you self a house and you buy staff with your credits. Like robo dogs floating chairs and all sorts of other things.

On Monday we had learning through play and I went to Planet Construction. In Planet Construction they have lots of stuff to create with. I went to the nuts and bolt section and I built a car and we got a challenge from Koka Leah. It was to see if I could make my car move without me touching the car. Me, Reef, Momo made a ramp and completed the challenge that Koka Leah gave us.